Monday, September 29, 2008

Passions run high for old advertising

Another summer has passed and many Antique Shows, Flea Markets and Garage sales have witnessed a new energy among collectors seeking the ultimate find. The summer Show season was a joy to attend and to exhibit. I appreciate meeting fellow collectors and vendors while embroiled in the, "gotta have ", it fever.

Our shows here in Canada seem to have a very friendly air about them. Vendors appear sometimes to be very laid back and maybe even Ho Hum about the business of selling their pieces. The same vendors however can be the fastest deal makers in the world once they have found and item that they want to purchase.

I have noticed as a buyer and a seller while at shows in the United States, laid back and Ho Hum, do not exist. Early morning markets South of the border, generally speaking are raring to go at 6:30 a.m. some before sunrise. While attending these shows you can actually witness vendors packing up there empty tables by 9:00 a.m. as the result of a sell out.

Specialized shows have a real Social Club atmosphere many are annual events some even bi-annual. These specialized shows allow us as collectors to overdose on product quality and quantity should we be lucky enough to attend. These are the greatest vehicle for learning about the commodities you maybe collecting or considering to collect. Some say they take away some of the thrill of the hunt. I disagree and I highly recommend these types of shows if you are compiling a collection in any field.

Regardless whether you are attending a specialized show, a general Antique show or even a Flea Market stand back and watch, you will learn a lot about us as human beings from the Hunter gather types to the Passionate explorer and even the narrowly focused approach, we all desire our holy grail.

Best of Luck finding yours!